How to create a seller account on fiverr
Creating a seller account on fiver | creating fiverr profile | beginners’ guide
In this post we
will guide you step by step that how you can create a gig on Fiverr and how can
you start earning with a free marketeplace with zero investment.
If you want to
become a seller on fiverr or want to
create a gig on fiverr or want to make mony on fiverr then you are at the right
Lets start our
today topic, that is How to create a seller account on fiverr.
First of all write “fiverr” in the google search bar and you will
get the following result form google. Click on the below given link
And you will be presented on fiverr’s platform. Click on join
button on the most right side of the page.
3. Enter you Email address in the Email address box and click on continue.
4. You will be asked to
Choose a user name for your fiverr account and a password as well. Enter your
user name and a password and then click on join.
5. You will be presented on fiverr seller’s page.
6. Next you have to create a gig for your fiverr seller’s account.
Will tell you step by step about “How to create a gig for
your seller account” in my next post.
Will also post every thing about how to rank your gig on
fiverr, how to do seo of you gig and how to write description of you gig in the
next coming posts.
If you have any question about fiverr please do comment in
the comment section of the post.
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