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Showing posts with the label essay on morning walk

Essay on morning walk

Essay: Morning Walk A morning walk is the best exercise which can keep all of us fit and fresh for the whole day. This is an exercise which is suitable for all. Whether young or old. A walk in the morning time refreshes the mind and improves the health. Of course it is a light exercise and highly beneficial for physical fitness. The lungs are provided with fresh air which is very essential for the body. There is no doubt that is not very easy some presons to get up early in the morning. Particularly in the winter season. But those who have formed a regular habit of rising early a morning walk is a must It they miss it even for one day they feel very lazy and miss something for whole of the day later on. Generally in small towns the people go out for a walk in the fields. Which are quite near. In certain towns there are canals people can enjoy their morning walk along their banks. On the other hand in the big cities like Lahore Karachi and Peshawar people cannot have the opportunity ...